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Farewell Dinner Party hosted by the Australian Consulate-General in Surabaya for the Australian GURUWAN Program

The team from CITTA Education is honoured for being invited by the Australian Consulate General in Surabaya to the lovely and intimate farewell dinner before the participants of the Australian GURUWAN (=Guru Relawan) flying back to Perth-Western Australia.  Thank you Pak Anthony Clark, the Deputy of the Australian Consul-General @konjensurabaya…

CITTA Education X Guruwan Western Australia

Cultural exchange at its finest! Guruwan (Guru Relawan) team from Western Australia supports CITTA Education, fostering global understanding among SMP Al-Falah Surabaya students. The Western Australia volunteer teachers: Dr Lisa Woodward, Kylie Pollard, Novi Wilkinson, and Bu Vicky spark curiosity about Australia.

Webinar GLC Masterclass 2024

Global Language Club UPN ‘Veteran’ Jawa Timur mengundang CITTA Education untuk memberikan materi mengenai IELTS test dan layanan IELTS Diagnostic bagi para dosen dan mahasiswa melalui UPA Bahasa. Hal ini kami lakukan sebagai bentuk dukungan kami kepada mahasiswa mahasiswi UPN ‘Veteran’ Jawa Timur yang ingin mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris dan…

Celebrating 75 Years of Australia-Indonesia Diplomacy!

Attending the ‘Gig on the Green’ concert in Surabaya on Saturday, September 14th was a privilege for CITTA Education. This amazing occasion was held to commemorate the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Australia and Indonesia (1949-2024) and to celebrate Australian Global Alumni.

Bekerjasama Dengan UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur, CITTA Education Memberikan Workshop: IELTS Introduction.

Tes IELTS merupakan salah satu syarat tes bahasa Inggris yang harus dipenuhi oleh pendaftar beasiswa untuk studi ke luar negeri. Melihat semakin tingginya minat pencari beasiswa, UPA Bahasa UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur bekerjasama dengan CITTA Education memfasilitasi mahasiswa/ dosen yang membutuhkan informasi mengenai tes IELTS. Dalam workshop ini, peserta diperkenalkan…